
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Myth of Eye Dominance in Shotgunning and the Reality of the Subconscious Mind

by Ralph Cushman [I have tried here to avoid redundancy and including anything that was not important, but this still turned out to be a "book" instead of an "article."  It is also pretty technical stuff, so skimming will not work well.  I suggest multiple reading sessions to get through it.] INTRODUCTION I live in Alaska and have been teaching youths to shoot shotguns for 20+ years.  I have coached some to very high levels of shooting.  In one sense I am just like the many hundreds of other volunteer kids' coaches around the country.  But in another sense I am unique -- I take kids who are right-handed but have strongly dominant left eyes (or vice-versa, "cross-dominant" in other words) and teach them how to be excellent shotgun shooters shooting off their dominant (hand) side with both eyes wide open at all times, and with no tape on their lens or any other vision-blocking/impairing ("occlusion") device. The vast majority of professional in